Sunday, June 8, 2008

Home Again Home Again

We have spent the last three weeks traveling. First we went to North Carolina. We visited with our son, Ned, and his wife, Lia, and daughter, Anna Rose. We were joined there by my sister, Janet, and her husband, Dan, and their grandson, Jacob. We had a great time hanging out. Jacob and Anna quickly became great friends. This was our really first goodbye. It was hard to do - two years seems like a long time, but we do know it will pass quickly. Fortunately, Renee's sister Melanie and her family live close by so that we were able to spend some time with them as well.

We then flew to Turkey to visit with our daughter, Lee, and her husband, David, and children, Rebecca, Joshua, Samuel, and Peter. We barely got settled in Istanbul when we left for Macedonia to visit our friends there. We took an overnight bus trip complete with the smuggling of cigarettes and prerequisite border stops. It was worth it to see Nikola and Anica and their new daughter-in-law, Goce. We also were able to meet our Roma friends, the large Gashi family. We were able to see first hand Iso's new baby Erhan. The newlyweds seem to have settled nicely. Iso has found a steady but hard job. Seeing others from the Roma church was also great.

Back in Turkey we visited David's English class. We met Hafize, who became our tour guide through part of historic Istanbul. Most of our time, though, was spent playing with grandchildren. We were able to play with the neighborhood kids -- taught a little baseball -- and met many of the neighbor mothers. One family had us in for an evening. Peter, the youngest grandchild, has been growing fast. He certainly looks and feel sturdy after a seven week early start. Their neighborhood is new so the roads are dusty and often noisy with construction, but that will soon enough be complete.

We arrived home with much to do. High on our list is the language training. We continue to try and spend some time each day. Second, we have worked on the myriad of forms that need to be filled out before our departure. Third, has been the consideration of packing. Suitcase space is limited by number but also size of bags - we usually try to play by the rules. Renee has a mound of clothes on a bed just for her that will never fit into the suitcases - Help!
Our address for the first three months will be

Dr. and Mrs, Richard Erickson
Sichuan University
Mail Box 278
Wang Jiang Road # 29
Chengdu, China 610064
People's Republic of China

We give you this only because we know you would like us to have mail when we arrive.

Yes, Chengdu is the staging area for all of the earthquake relief that is going on in China. We have been able to get good information on the extent of the tragedy in the area. It will not directly affect us. The only change we know so far is that some of the host families will not be able to take PC volunteers this time because they have taken in family from the affected area. If you would like to contribute toward the relief effort, we know the following agency will send all contributions with no administrative cost to the effort.

American International Cultural Exchange Institute
216 Avondale Drive
North Wales, PA 19454
This is the group we went to China with last year. They will be able to do direct funding of the relief monies. You could also contribute to the Chinese Red Cross or other agency which is working in China.
Pray for us to calmly use these last weeks to prepare ourselves for this adventure.


Connie said...

Renee and Rich
Well my goodness it was good to read of all your preparations and to know that the PC will not be displaced by a meer earthquake. You are about to leave on the long awaited trip at a time when you are clearly needed to a place that will never again be the same. You are in my prayers daily because it is clear that God is working through you. Bless you both and the people you will touch. Let us know when you are settled. I am awaiting that invitation,

Unknown said...

Hi,my near nai nai!I can enjoy your blog now.I am so happy!ha ha...!